I started working hills on Saturday morning. During the weekends, I can go out later in the mornings. This works in that I can actually SEE the road I'm running on. The downside? I can see my shadow.
Just like Peter Pan, my shadow & I do NOT get along very well, especially while running. I'm chugging along, thinking I'm making Freddie-Mercury-rock-star type pace, and then...I see this shadow next to me. Is it LIMPING? It looks like I'm barely walking, let alone running anywhere! What the hell am I even doing, thinking I'm running?
I do know that this isn't true, that it's that evil gym teacher in my head, trying to psyche me out of finishing the run. So, whenever I see ShadowMe waddling along, I tell myself that it's not true; the shadow is a lie. It becomes a mantra if it's bad enough: The Shadow is a Lie. TheShadowisalie, theshadowisalie...
How do I know it's a lie? I see my pace from RunKeeper. Machines can't lie. This past Sunday, a fellow parishoner from church stopped me on the way out and said, "I saw you out on the VFW Parkway the other day. I can't believe how fast you were going!" And sweet old church-going men DEFINITELY don't lie!
...oh, and that race in December? Signed up, ready to go!
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