There's a difference between what motivates you to get your ass off the couch, and what keeps you motivated to get your ass off the couch again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.
My original motivation to exercise was spite. I went to a new doctor, and within the first 10 minutes of meeting me told me I needed Weight Loss Surgery; no ifs, ands, or buts. I was told diet and exercise wouldn't work for me, I was beyond that help. After bawling my eyes out, I got over the pity party and got angry. I lost 50 pounds that year.
I got back on the exercise and portion control track six months after having my daughter. I wanted to get back down to where I was before I had her, and then some. I got back to running, because I hadn't finished Couch-to-5K last time.
Now, as I am training for my first 5K, I have different motivation I rotate through as I run:
-proving that doctor wrong
-getting rid of the ghosts of PE teachers past
-looking at pictures of myself and not cringing
-thinking about all that shopping for new clothes
-competing with my husband
-seeing my daughter at the finish line
A lot of it is superficial and selfish; I'm okay with that. Motiviation doesn't always have to be inspiring, heart-wrenching. I am all about the rewards.
You know so many are inspired and filled with pride for you. You are rockin' it, girl! One day, we will run with our daughters who will probably kick our asses!