I've heard being a tween isn't easy. You're not a little kid, but you're not a teenager yet either. I am finding this frustration in another form of 'tween: sizes.
What you see above is the final assembly of an outfit five minutes before walking out the door to work. Before that there was a half-hour of frustration which became me in tears, and seriously asking my husband if it would be wrong to take a sick day. That's right: I contemplated a sick day because I couldn't find anything to wear.
I am right now in between sizes. 22s make me look baggy and frumpy, and doesn't show off the accomplishments of my hard work. 20s are just a smidge too tight, and make me look like that woman from Steel Magnolias, the one that looked like "two pigs wrasslin' under a blanket." After trying on outfit #10, and being talked off the sick day ledge from my understanding husband, I put this together. Then my three-year-old skipped past me, also wearing leggings under a skirt. Dear lord, I've resorted to dressing myself like a preschooler.
This is such a hard time when you're working to get fit and therefore go down in sizes. You don't necessarily want to spend the money on clothes that will just be a waystation before you lose more weight and need more clothes. On the other hand, wearing the larger sizes just isn't flattering anymore. It makes you look larger than you are, and the ill-fitting clothes aren't as appropriate for work.
What's important is exactly what my sweetie told me this morning as he kissed tears off my cheeks: "Do NOT get discouraged." This is part of the process. There are solutions. I'll be going through clothes bins I have in the basement, and see if I have more size-appropriate clothing. If not, I'll hit the local thrift stores (Savers, Goodwill) and heck, even Target or Old Navy for lower-priced clothes to tide me over.
I really shouldn't complain too much. I did recently purchase a size-appropraite piece of clothing, which was two sizes smaller than the last time I tried one on:
I know I can't expect every outfit to look as fabulous as this one (hello, waist!), but I'd like to stop wearing layers and scarves to hide the ill-fitting clothes. I know I'll get there, but some mornings it's harder than others. It's all part of the challenge to get healthy.