It's the first run outdoors this year; a good a time as any to update this blog, in hibernation since the winter.
My winter training was noneventful, and almost nonexistent. When I could, I would go to the gym and get on the treadmill. I am still not a fan of running on a treadmill, but I would get 20 minutes in, so was doing a little over a mile when I could. Blizzards, back backs, and a knee sprain caused some interruption.
And then there's this:

When I did the math, I realized that I was pregnant when I ran the Jingle Bell. Okay, so not PREGNANT, like I waddled across the finish line, but still...pretty cool to me.
This morning's first outdoor run was not as cool. I did more intervals (run-walk-run) than anything. And I kept trying to not beat myself up for it. When I saw my pace was over 18 minutes, I was bummed. Then I looked at my breakdown of pace on RunKeeper. When I ran, I was back to my 16:00 mile, and even better in some parts. So not as bad as I thought, and I rewarded myself with a Decaf Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte for getting out there, and gettin' 'er done!
Then change in thinking is going to be the hardest through this. I have to remind myself that as I get slower, and eventually walk (and then waddle) my morning workout, it's not because I'm letting myself go, or not working on improvement. As a fat girl working it to lose it, it is difficult to watch the numbers on the scale go up with every doctor's visit. It's also not helpful to have an OB that watches your weight like a hawk, telling you after reviewing your last pregnancy weight gain (30 lbs), "let's not let it get that bad this time."
I will continue to exercise with this pregnancy. It will be interesting to see how running with a "hitchiker," (as my cousin called it) will change over the next 25 weeks. I'm also doing prenatal yoga on my off-running days, which I think might help keep me limber for my morning runs.
I'm wondering if i need one of those "Baby on Board" signs for my butt?