Last week I went for my 24 week checkup. And I got lectured. Apparently, I've gained too much weight so far in this pregnancy. Odd, when I did the research, I saw that I was right on track for the 1 lb. a week during the second and third trimester...
...and then I saw it, on my chart. MORBIDLY OBESE, just like that. And my OB was talking down to me. Was I watching my diet? Was I really watching what I was eating? Was I exercising? Did I not understand that gaining all this weight now will make it harder after the baby to lose it?
I didn't get it. My OB knows that before this, I was running three times a day, and I completed TWO 5Ks before MC2. This was also the same doctor, with my last daughter, told me that studies change all the time, and the weight gain guidelines change all the time.
Right now, a pregnant woman within "average" weight range should gain between 25-35 lbs. during their pregnancy. This is where I fell in last time, and I am on track with during this pregnancy.
However, an "obese" pregnant woman is only supposed to gain 11-20 lbs, if that. There are articles out there now saying that fat mommies-to-be are being encourage to DIET during pregnancy. Are you kidding me?
I asked my OB about my exercise regime. I told her I had taken time off to recuperate from a cold (that was frowned upon). I mentioned my 20 minute walk twice a day, and my every other morning yoga. Should I add back my morning walks as well, or am I pushing myself too hard? "Do the walking in the morning as well," the doc tells me, "You cannot overdo it while exercising, your body won't let you."
Now I have to call bullsh*t. I HAVE overdone it exercising. Training for the 5ks left me with dry heaves on the side of the road. Over vigorous yoga sessions had me in pain for days.
The kicker? I haven't even hit my STARTING weight of when I was pregnant with my daughter! My maternity clothes, especially pants, have been too big. My rings have been falling off. The only thing I've really changed is that I've stopped running because I have a human being sitting on my lungs!
I'm getting the feeling I'm being stereotyped into the "fat lazy slob" label. Which, if anyone who has read this blog knows, I am not. Not only am I exercising as much as I can, I chase a toddler around the house, and get chased around by my husband (Sorry, Ma).
I hope I have to courage to tell this stuff to my OB the next time I see her. I don't want to feel like I'm being punished every time I walk in for my prenatal, and they put me on the scale. Let me grow my child, and then when I'm able, start running again and shed the baby weight.
Let me be pregnant and happy, not stressful and miserable.